Raw Fall honey


#43495 (1kg) Prix : 18 = pas de vente en ligne
#43496 (3kg) Prix : 50 = pas de vente en ligne
#43497 (13.6kg) Prix : 195 = pas de vente en ligne

Available format(s)

1kg 18.00$ In store only
3kg 50.00$ In store only Out of Stock
13.6kg 195.00$ In store only

Free in-store pickup


Raw honey is unique for its rich taste. Pure, unheated, unfiltered, it retains its medicinal properties (maintains a high content of enzymes and minerals) with the presence of beeswax, pollen and propolis.


*Non-taxable good(s)

*Price changes without prior notice

*Packaging may vary

*Honey may crystallize. Melt in double-boiler.

SKU: N/A Category:


Raw honey is unique for its rich taste. Pure, unheated, unfiltered, it retains its medicinal properties (maintains a high content of enzymes and minerals) with the presence of beeswax, pollen and propolis.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

1kg, 3kg, 13.6kg